New Place and important information!
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New Place and important information!

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

Start to teach Gyrotonic at the new place in Düsseldorf!


GETICS: Gesundheit und Athleticszentrum.

Booking direct to Ke-Raum or GETICS.

The 1st floor is a big swimming pool and the 2st floor is Physio, fitness training and Gyrotonic! There are so many new technology health checkers and machines.



The easiest way is by car. The GETICS have a parking place (Pay) or front of GETICS you can find enough places on the street.


The nearest station is D-Siedlerweg, the lien 737 or 738.

Important information

The fee will be changing from 07.Feb. Thank you for your understanding!

We are looking for to meeting you at the new place!

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